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Below you can see information about areas we are involved in and our partners.
Pappy's Bakery
Bakery Logo for stickers.jpg
Living Water Homes
Mission Electronics

Pappy's Bakery is a bakery that we have joint ownership in and gives opportunity for men to have local employment to save up to get to that next step of their Quest. 

Living Water Homes is our next phase of Calvert Quest. We have bought enough property in Calvert to build 12 rental houses. These will be luxury smaller homes at 1,100 sqft. built for lower income families. Most guys coming through Calvert Quest have construction background. This gives them a more permanent well paying job. This is a chance to get back to their trade while building their foundation.

We do have some men with a background in electronics or just a great attention to detail. this is an opportunity to get into a high paying career. Mission electronics builds harnesses, circuit boards and software development for oilfield equipment. 

Community Service
Men of Calvert
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 In James the Bible tells us to look after the widows and orphans. On Saturdays we try and do a community project. Our over all goal is to help the town of Calvert. 

One of our partner ministries dedicated to impacting the kids & Community of Calvert Texas. Calvert Quest helps out with the annual camping trips as well as other events.

Love and Light Ministries

It’s our partner Ministries that enable us to do more. We are all called to be different parts of the same body. We were seeking a ministry that gets down in the ditch, one that is a good steward and well organized. After a lot of research and recommendations we sought out to be involved with Love and Light Ministries. Love and Light Ministries is the perfect example of the good Samaritan. 

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